Galatians 5:26 NKJV


Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another.

Galatians 5:26 NKJV

Verse 25 encouraged us to live and walk in the spirit and not in the flesh. Then the word of God in verse 26 reminds us not to become an agent of satan.

Being conceited is someone who thinks they know everything, are boastful and excessive about themselves. They become dead to learning and growing in God.

God wants us to be teachable. He wants us to have a heart that longs for wisdom and knowledge from Him.

We must not provoke one another to the things of satan. Don't provoke people who are serving the Lord to stop serving.

We are to stir one another to be more involved in knowing, loving and serving our Almighty God. This is because in doing so we will keep alive our passion and focus on God.

We are not to envy one another. We may not say it, tell someone about it but are we feeling it and are we thinking about it?

Do we conclude that others have better things than us?

God's word states in 2 Peter 1:3 that we have all things pertaining to life and godliness. If we believe God is the best and we have the best in Christ, then envy should not be something we entertain.

We must be careful not to be an agent of satan but ambassadors for Christ, implementing Godly principles and Godly ways.

We need to live in the spirit and cultivate a lifestyle of stirring one another with the abundance of God so that we can all start living like Him here on the earth.

Let's live in the power and glory of God and shine Jesus Christ to the world.


Ps Ambrose


Matthew 18:19 NKJV


Romans 9:32 NKJV