Matthew 11:30 NKJV


For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”

Matthew 11:30 NKJV

If we are carrying a burden that weighs us down, that burden is meant to be surrendered to the Lord. There are godly burdens that awaken our hearts to be diligent and steadfast in the Lord. Yet some burdens make us lose hope.

Jesus said, "My yoke is easy and my burden is light." The word 'yoke' describes many things.

The yoke is a natural thing. It can be used for bad or good. The yoke can be used to direct the path and bring focus to get the job done.

The yoke is also used to bring alongside a mature ox to a younger ox to guide and lead. The yoke is purposeful.

The world, the religion and its system puts a yoke on people to control them. It causes hardship and pain that does not bring any benefit and this is a bad yoke.

Jesus did not say I will take away the yoke. Jesus is giving us His yoke.

It t is an exchange from what will pull us down and destroy us to a yoke that will help us to be focused, guided, equipped and set to fulfil our purpose in this world.

If we don't understand this, we will live life and make decisions as we like. We put on God's yoke when it is convenient and switch to our own yoke which will eventually pull us down.

Believers today want to be free from any yoke, leadership, and mentoring.

They are reluctant to be coached and to be trained.

When we miss the yoke that Jesus is offering, we miss the empowerment that comes with it.

If we don't have Jesus's yoke which gives life, hope and a great future, we will be bearing the yoke of the world which is living life in circles and being the same person with the same story year after year.

If we choose Jesus and His yoke, then our burden will be light and we will become productive in every area of our life.

Let us take the yoke that Jesus is offering and submit to His word so that we can be blessed in every area of our lives.


Ps Ambrose


Psalms 119:4 NKJV


I Corinthians 6:3 NKJV