Matthew 25:28 NKJV
Therefore take the talent from him, and give it to him who has ten talents.
Matthew 25:28 NKJV
Jesus spoke about the kingdom of God and the principle of living in His kingdom. God gives us talents to multiply, grow and become a blessing in His kingdom.
Therefore, every talent that God has given needs to be accounted for. Opportunities begin to open through the talents that are given by God.
These opportunities bring blessings to the multitude and we would deprive the multitude if we don't use our talents.
We don't want to be in the place where God has to take that talent away from us because we are depriving the people that would be blessed by that talent.
Every good and perfect gift comes from God and it has a specific purpose to be fulfilled. We are encouraged by God to fulfil that purpose.
God will put the talents on every hand with the oppurtunity to use them. If we don't use it, it will be passed on to someone else who would use it.
If we keep using our talents, God would bring the increase and He will continue to build us stronger to take bigger things for the kingdom.
People who are using their talents are always given more. God loves everyone but those who use their talents are His agents of love and grace.
Don't be surprised if more is given to you than anyone else. It is because God sees you as His good and faithful servant and will entrust you with more.
We have received everything from God. It is time we take all the talents God has given and put them into action so that as Christ was on this earth, so shall we be to all who are around us.
Let us examine what has been given to us.
Did we grow it, nurture it, cultivate it and share it with everyone?
Let us use the talents that God has placed in us and build His kingdom in Christ.
Ps Ambrose