Genesis 6:22 NKJV


Thus Noah did; according to all that God commanded him, so he did.

Genesis 6:22 NKJV

When God told Noah to build a boat to save his family and all the animals on the earth, Noah did it according to all that God had spoken to Him.

Building an ark might not look spiritual but we are here today because someone did what the Lord had spoken.

We have heard God's word that gave us directions for life, hope and love. How many lives are depending on us to obey and do what God has called us to do?

Noah did not debate about what the evil people were doing. Noah did not speak a word of them and their work. It was because Noah was busy with God's business.

If we are not doing God's work, then we will be taking part in doing satan's work. We often say don't get busy with things, the truth is this, if we are not busy with God we will be busy resting, busy waiting and busy about everything else except being busy with God.

There is no such thing as being too busy for God and His kingdom because we gain time, rest, peace and joy in a hundredfold return.

Noah spent more than a hundred years building the ark. He was busy doing what God had called him to do.

God Almighty placed His kingdom within us. We need to bring His kingdom by sharing His love and goodness to all mankind.


Ps Ambrose


Galatians 6:3 NKJV


Joel 2:32 NKJV