John 14:20 NKJV
“At that day you will know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you.”
John 14:20 NKJV
Jesus said to His disciples that the day the Holy Spirit comes and lives in them, they will know clearly that God has made them to be one with Him.
This is too good to be true. The Father in Jesus, Jesus in the Father, and WE, believers are in Christ.
We are one, therefore we move as one, live as one, and do things as one in Christ.
That is why we are overcomers and more than conquerors because we live in the one who has conquered and overcome every enemy.
To KNOW that we are one in Christ is very important. It is important because without knowing we are one, we won’t know what we are capable of.
Jesus walked the earth KNOWING the Father and did as He saw His Father do.
We are in Jesus and Jesus is in us. Therefore, we need to see Jesus through His word and through the Holy Spirit and do them as He did.
Believers are no longer alone, no longer separated from God, and no longer without power.
We through Christ have become a dwelling place of God and He lives in each one of us.
We are not supposed to live life as one who is subject to the power of the world but as one who has authority and power over the enemy.
God wants His people to live in acknowledgment of Him and His power and authority residing in them.
Let us allow the Holy Spirit of God to stir us up to see our oneness in Christ and live in His glory.
Ps Ambrose