Matthew 13:22 NKJV
“Now he who received seed among the thorns is he who hears the word, and the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches choke the word, and he becomes unfruitful.”
Matthew 13:22 NKJV
God’s word is the seed and has the power to produce its fruits. But the condition of the ground determines for the seed to germinate, sprout, become a tree and produce fruits.
There are things that we have believed which is not according to what Jesus has done for us.
Those things are the thorns that can choke and prevent the seed of God’s word to take its root in us.
Before we plant the seed, it’s important to dig out all the weeds with their roots.
All the belief system we have developed in life, if it is not according to Jesus, it becomes a thorn that prevents God’s word to germinate in us.
Everyone of us need to revise our beliefs, to see it is in right standing with what Jesus has done for us.
The problem is not the riches and the blessings God made for us in the world. God wants His children to enjoy the blessings He had made.
The main issue is the kind of ground that we become towards God and His word. Where is God in our lives, not in words but in actual display of our daily lives.
Taking time to get rid of everything that is not in line with Jesus is getting rid of the thorns that chokes growth in God.
If we guard the grounds of our heart from contamination, then we can see the germinations of God’s word in our daily lives.
Let us remove anything that is not in right standing with Jesus and begin to change our attention from our own beliefs to what Jesus has done for us.
Ps Ambrose