Acts 2:15 NKJV
“For these are not drunk, as you suppose, since it is only the third hour of the day.”
Acts 2:15 NKJV
When the day the disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in tongues, the people of different tribes and tongues were amazed.
The first manifestation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit were seen by all on the day the first church was born - speaking in tongues.
Peter spoke out to clear their minds that they were not drunk with wine since it was the third hour of the day but it’s the power of God which Jesus promised them.
We can hardly hear people speaking in tongues in churches today, as we think we will chase them away. But the multitude that was saved on the first day of the church was triggered because they all heard them speaking in tongues.
Perhaps we need to give thought to what God has designed instead of what mankind wants to hear.
There were many who made fun of them on the first day of the church. Perhaps many were turned away but comparing that to three thousand that came into the kingdom, it’s too great to lose the language of God in our churches.
In John 4:24 days that God is spirit and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and in truth. If God is spirit, which He is, then it’s the utmost importance for believers to pray in tongues in their gatherings.
The first thing that will happen is the edification to our inner man and the second will cause curiosity to raise questions in the hearts of people who don’t know about Jesus.
Never be ashamed of how we will look like in the natural because this is the kingdom of God, not the kingdom of man.
Let us continue to grow in the spirit by praying in tongues and win the lost by preaching the gospel of His kingdom.
Ps Ambrose