Luke 24:45 NKJV
“And He opened their understanding, that they might comprehend the Scriptures.”
Luke 24:45 NKJV
Jesus spent His last 3 years discipling the 12 through healing the sick, delivering the oppressed and teaching about the kingdom of God.
He has spoken in many occasions to His disciples about His death and resurrection.
But sadness, disappointment and natural lost of their leader has gripped their heart and have overshadowed all that they have learned about Jesus and His kingdom.
Jesus had to revive them again and open their eyes by reminding them of all that He had spoken to them.
Our understanding of Jesus will be opened and enlightened the moment we remind ourselves through His word.
God the Holy Spirit will breathe life the moment we believe and put into action all that Jesus has spoken.
We must not let our senses grip our heart with fear, failure, doubt and unbelief.
What we see is temporal but His truth is eternal and will change all that is in the natural if we believe.
We need to remind ourselves to be conscious that through Christ we no longer consider anyone in the flesh but in the spirit.
We are born again as citizens of the kingdom of God. Therefore, let us eat His word as our spiritual food and walk in the spirit as our spiritual drink.
Ps Ambrose