Romans 14:16 NKJV
“Therefore do not let your good be spoken of as evil;”
Romans 14:16 NKJV
Paul was speaking about the law of love that is more important than any other law in our lives.
Our faith in Christ needs to be grounded in love and in caring for one another as Jesus cared for us all.
Anyone that despises another because of their beliefs and rituals is a religious person that divides the body of Christ.
It is the religious that separates, divides and thinks that those who don’t follow certain rituals are less important in society.
If we fight, argue and hurt each other in the name of Jesus, what does it profit to the body?
The religious spirit will kill, steal and destroy the harmony and unity that Jesus died for.
We must help each other journey from where they are to the place God wants them to be by His grace.
We must not condemn anyone for Jesus did not come to the world to condemn but through Him we might be saved.
Let us lay aside our rituals, personal diets, personal devotion and sacrifices and focus on loving each other in Christ Jesus.
Ps Ambrose