John 1:32 NKJV
“And John bore witness, saying, “I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove, and He remained upon Him.”
John 1:32 NKJV
This is a powerful scripture to indicate the first time the Holy Spirit remained in an earthly vessel.
Throughout the Old Testament, prophets and kings had a visitation by angels and empowerment by the Holy Spirit.
Nothing was permanent then until now when the Holy Spirit descended upon Jesus and remained.
This scripture shows us a defining moment of change from the old covenant to the new.
What seems to be earned by works and sacrifice is now given by our Father by grace through Christ.
It is a start of a new life in Christ, living in the faithfulness of God and living in His authority and power.
Therefore, we cannot live life as in the old. We cannot believe like how it was taught in the old covenant because now all things have become new in Christ.
We have to start changing our minds from an old slave sinful life to righteousness and peace in Christ Jesus.
Let us take every part of us and start the process of renewing our minds to the new kingdom that God established through Christ.
Let us be conscious of the new and glorious life that we have received in Christ. Renewing our lives daily by believing in all that Jesus has done for us.
Ps Ambrose