Titus 2:6 NKJV
“Likewise, exhort the young men to be sober-minded,”
Titus 2:6 NKJV
Here Paul taught and admonished Titus to be sober-minded, to challenge and motivate young teens to use the gift of the Holy Spirit, self-control, and to live in the truth.
To be sober-minded means to focus on the truth according to the word of God. Then we are to invest in it and live it out.
The only thing that is the sobering is God. Mankind changes and not consistent but God changes not and He is always consistent.
To be sober therefore is to believe in the only truth that is Jesus Christ and His finished work.
We are to work out the grace that has been given to all of us through Christ. We are to keep denying self, keep rejecting the things of the world, and keep running the race.
It is not sober to be distracted when we are running the race of our life. Don’t be distracted by the arrows that are thrown at us while we are running. Neither be distracted by the noises of the crowd or the comments from the sideline.
Every time we stop to look at who is throwing those arrows, or who is making those noises and to see who is making comments will absolutely disqualify us from the race.
It is not a sober thing to see who is distracting us. We should be focusing on the race and our eyes on the Author of our lives, Jesus Christ.
We need to surround our minds and heart with the sobering truth of God’s word and the power of His might.
Don’t spend time on the distraction. Instead, spend time on those that can keep us sober to finish our race in the Lord.
Let us run this race with a sober mindset, believing in God, and living life in the power of His Spirit.
Ps Ambrose