Ruth 1:16 NKJV
But Ruth said: “Entreat me not to leave you, Or to turn back from following after you; For wherever you go, I will go; And wherever you lodge, I will lodge; Your people shall be my people, And your God, my God.
Ruth 1:16 NKJV
This is a powerful story about Ruth who refused to leave her mother-in-law Naomi alone. Ruth was willing to give up her life to take care of Naomi.
We read the journey of Ruth, who started in a foreign land picking up grains from leftovers to becoming the co-owner of the land with her husband Boaz.
This chapter shows us that God rewards every kindness, every love and every care that we show to others. When we sacrificially do something to help someone, we did it unto the Lord.
Ruth was blessed not because of luck or that coincidental thing just came her way.
It was the seed Ruth sowed into caring for someone.
What Ruth did for Naomi came back to Ruth far more than what she could ask for. She bore a son and was blessed to be part of a family line.
Whatever we do today to others and for others will always come back to us. We have the oppurtunity to sow a seed of kindness, love and care to each other.
When we lift someone's burden, God lifts ours and much more. Everything we do to serve others as unto God will always bring a great blessing.
The truth is we will never be able to outgive God. The more we do good to others, we then become a target of blessings.
Ruth did not know her kindness towards Naomi have orchestrated people to be a blessing to her from small things to lifelong blessings that will be spoken of from generation to generation.
Let us not take lightly all the kindness we show today. It has been stored up, orchestrated to come back a hundred-fold blessing.