John 18:6 NKJV
Now when He said to them, “I am He, ” they drew back and fell to the ground.
John 18:6 NKJV
Only in John's gospel this is recorded and it brings about a powerful presence, truth and reality about Jesus.
All who came to arrest Jesus came at night with their torches, lanterns, swords and clubs. Jesus greeted them and they drew back and fell on the ground.
They could not recognise Jesus at night but the moment Jesus spoke
" I am He." they drew back and fell to the ground.
Jesus was not arrested or captured but gave Himself up to them. Because all who came to capture Jesus became powerless.
Jesus was not standing with swords, spears or clubs but with authority from His Father in heaven. Nothing that happened to Jesus is by the force of men but by His own will to surrender to what is needed.
When Jesus said, " I am He " something struck the hearts, minds and bodies of those who came. His word is full of authority and power.
When His word came forth, every enemy bowed down and every power subjected to Him.
This is He who lives in all believers. Jesus lives in us through His Spirit to rule and reign over this earth.
Every word we speak through Him will cause life to spark and bring terror to the enemy.
Our presence through Christ will bend, break and overpower every other forces that tries to come against us.
Jesus gave in to them for the fulfilment of all scriptures for all mankind. We now give our lives to the cause of His Kingdom.
The same power that raised Christ from the dead is in each one of us to liberate our lives and others for His glory and honour.
Let us keep building our lives in Christ. Believing in Christ Jesus and what He wants to do in and through our lives.