Psalms 103:7 NKJV


He made known His ways to Moses, His acts to the children of Israel.

Psalms 103:7 NKJV

The amazing love of God for His children is so amazing. Though the children of Israel did not love God or follow His ways yet God made His ways known to Moses and to the children of Israel.

This shows that God desires to save all of His children but the freedom of choice was given to them to choose.

Those who choose to follow God entered the promise land but those who choose not to follow God died missing out God's best.

Today we can have a deeper revelation that of Moses or the children of Israel in the desert. Because Jesus Christ made a way to be one with us and choose to dwell in us through His Spirit.

In Christ the mysteries of the kingdom have been revealed to all believers through Christ. Colossians 1:26.

We as believers can know God deeper, walk in God and display His power and glory greater than the former days because God brings us from glory to glory.

If we would spend time to develop the relationship with God in our lives, we would reflect Him in every area of our lives.

We can have confidence in God's faitfulness in every season at any time to be His channel. We don't have to be afraid or anxious because He is faithful and He will do through us if we trust Him.

We need to be the voice of God to the world, an encourager and to cast the vision of God.

We need to share who we really are, God's plans and purpose to a generation that is losing their true identity.

Let us be confident in God and trust that when the time comes for us to speak, He will speak through us and touch lives.


Ambrose Francis


Matthew 12:29 NKJV


II Corinthians 3:4 NKJV