Proverbs 12:2 N
A good man obtains favor from the Lord, But a man of wicked intentions He will condemn.
Proverbs 12:2 N
In the old covenant, only a good person who follows the ways of God can obtain favour from the Lord. This means very few are eligible to have favour with God.
The second verse enforces that just having an intention of wickedness causes the person to be condemned. That is how hard it is for someone to have the favour from the Lord.
Thanks be to God that through Jesus Christ we have been cleansed, made holy and good and set apart to declare His praises.
As a child of God, we are highly favoured because the One who chooses to show favour lives in us, abides in us and does not leave us.
But ignorant of these blessings will cause us not to walk in God's favour. Being grateful as a highly favoured one is a key to walking in God's divine favour.
Favour means to gain acceptance, approval and receive special benefits. It is sometimes also referred to as grace and mercy.
So to be favored by God is the ultimate blessing and privilege enjoyed by all of God's children.
Being conscious of our identity as a highly favoured child of the living God will lift us from every weight of stress and burdens.
It will help us to fix our eyes on God and enjoy the favour that God has ordained for His children.
Let us take the time to be grateful for such a blessing that we are blessed, that we are counted worthy, accepted and clothed with the righteousness of God.
Ambrose Francis