John 8:35 NKJV
And a slave does not abide in the house forever, but a son abides forever.
John 8:35 NKJV
Jesus is teaching us to live out our true identity, true inheritance and true rights.
Today the world wants to steal the rights we have in God. In the name of self-right, they impose a system that robs us of our true inheritance, of our true identity and our true rights.
The system of the world today confuses people of their gender, their identity, their rights and steal away their joy and peace.
Everything about God is eternal and not superficial. Things that are superficial last only for a moment but has no power to hold.
But the things of God holds for eternity and will pull us through every season of our lives.
We are born again not as a slave but as sons, children of the Most High God. Jesus is calling His children to come and abide in His house.
In His house, we will find His abundance with our name written on it. This is because all the Father has, it has been given unto us.
If we approach God as a slave begging for something we already have, we missed the very sacrifice Jesus made on the cross for us.
If we approach God and dwell in Him by faith, we have accepted the finished work of Christ and have shown Him gratitude for all He has done for us.
God our Father has invited us to take part in His divine nature and become His children so that we can enjoy the abundance of His kingdom from now till eternity.
Let us live life as sons in His house and know Him who is our loving Father.
Ambrose Francis