I Corinthians 12:11 NKJV
But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills.
I Corinthians 12:11 NKJV
There are a diversity of gifts and activities but the same Holy Spirit that does the work and the same Holy Spirit that distributes to each individual.
The Holy Spirit is ready with the full supply of wisdom, knowledge, healing, miracles, faith, peace, prophecy, discernment, tongues, love and more.
What is needed is a vessel that is available, willing to say yes and to follow His leading.
Sometimes we get all worked out on what kind of gifts we want to operate in and forgetting the purpose of the giftings.
The purpose of the gifts is to build, edify and meet the needs of each other in the Lord.
What's the point of desiring for the gift of miracles when the needs of the person we are ministering to are love and care.
What's the point of wanting the gift of prophecy when the need of the person is to be healed.
Sometimes we are drawn to desiring the gift because we want it for our self-gratification and not so much for what is needed by the one we are ministering to or to prove the power of the Holy Spirit or to take pride in God's kingdom.
We need to be alert and conscious of what the Holy Spirit wants to do in every situation and be ready by faith to flow with Him according to what is needed at that time.
We should all be open to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Let us desire to be a vessel for God the Holy Spirit to use and manifest His plans.
We are all able to function in whatever gifts when the needs arrive because it is the Holy Spirit of God that works all in each of us.
Our desire is to be yielded to the Holy Spirit, to be used and led by God for His purpose.
Let us give ourselves to the Holy Spirit to lead us, guide us and manifest His power in and through us as He wills.
Ambrose Francis