Hebrews 11:9 NKJV


By faith he dwelt in the land of promise as in a foreign country, dwelling in tents with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the same promise;

Hebrews 11:9 NKJV

Abraham had absolute faith in God and His promises. Here the Scriptures mentioned Isaac and Jacob.

Three generations did not see that promise fulfilled in their lifetime but we get to see them today because of Abraham's faith.

Abraham moved out of his comfort zone for the comfort of the future generations. He pitched his tents in a foreign land as his own by faith.

He chose to live in that condition holding on to the promises of God until his last breath. Abraham finished his race.

Faith in God is not about seeing the result. It is about holding on to the promises of God.

We hold on to His promises till the end. Our faith in God may not manifest its fruit in our lifetime but surely will bear fruit for our future generations.

We who believe in Jesus today are blessed by the faith of those who have held God's promises till the end.

Just like Abraham, they all held it till the end even though they did not see it come to pass in their lifetime.

We enjoy the privilege of knowing Jesus because someone held on to the promises of God till the end.

Do we have something for the next generation?

Are we holding on, spreading and living the Gospel till our last breath even if we don't see anything?

Do we give up because nothing seems to be happening or do we continue believing till the end?

Let us all hold on to God and His promises till the end so that we can create a great future for our children and for the generations to come.


Ps Ambrose


Hebrews 11:2 NKJV


Isaiah 55:5 NKJV