I Peter 2:4 NKJV
Coming to Him as to a living stone, rejected indeed by men, but chosen by God and precious,
I Peter 2:4 NKJV
Jesus Christ is our living Stone, all who receive Him become one with Him, unshakeable, solid, firm and strong.
It's a picture of who God is. The great I Am, the faithful One, promise keeper, redeemer, Savior, the Truth and life whose integrity is solid as a rock.
God has chosen us to be a rock like Him, where we reflect His goodness and mercy to each other and present Jesus as the only rock that can withstand the trials and storms of life. The only rock that we can place is our faith and trust.
Our faith and trust in God should be as solid as rock. We should always stand in His truth as solid as a rock no matter what may come our way.
God has chosen us in Christ to be partakers of His divine nature that we may display His glory, power and love, solid as a rock.
Let us be strong as a rock in Christ and live the unshakeable life in Jesus's Name.
Ps Ambrose