Galatians 4:7 NKJV
Therefore you are no longer a slave but a son, and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ.
Galatians 4:7 NKJV
Jesus came to make a way for all mankind to be free from the bondage of sin and death and transform us to become sons of God. By believing in Him, we inherit all that is our Father's in heaven.
There are two main parts in this transformation, one is God's part and the second is our part.
God's part is that He changes our status, our identity and our rights supernaturally and instantly by His Spirit. These are all done the moment we accept Jesus as our Lord and Saviour.
The second part is we need to take all that we have received in Christ and apply it in our lives.
Since our identity has changed from slave to son. We have to think like a son, have confidence like a son and live life like sons of the kingdom.
We don't talk like slaves any longer but we talk like sons of the kingdom of God. We don't approach God like an outsider but as our own Father.
Our mindset needs to change from a slave to a son. Our language needs to change from a slave to a son, we have to leave behind all the past and behold our future in God as sons.
We need to take all that God has given and practice it, rehearse it and speak it as God has spoken.
By meditating, studying His word and walking in the word of God by faith, we will start to change our habits, our thinking and our lives.
Then we will experience the new life of God inside out. We will see the new life take effect in every area of our lives.
We are an heir of God through Christ. Let us live in the abundance of God and keep changing from glory to glory in Him.
Ps Ambrose