Colossians‬ ‭3:6‬ ‭NKJV‬‬


“Because of these things, the wrath of God is coming upon the sons of disobedience,”

‭‭Colossians‬ ‭3:6‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

The wrath of God coming upon the sons of disobedience is not because God desires to punish them.

God is holy and just. Disobedience is not a part of God.

Disobedience is unrighteousness and it has no part in the kingdom of God.

Therefore, everything that is not in right standing with God will automatically be punished and be condemned.

If anyone brings a cloth to the fire, it is not the fire's fault if the cloth is burned.

Naturally, anything that can be burned will be burned if it gets closer to the fire.

Judgment day is coming and all will be judged and all who are righteous and just will come before God.

If we don’t get ourselves right with God by receiving Jesus as our Lord and King, then we will be condemned.

This is natural and satan wants to destroy the human race who were made in God’s image and likeness.

The enemy, Satan, knows that we all have to appear before the King of kings and Lord of lords on Judgment day and he wants to see us condemned.

This is the reason Jesus came to make a way for us so that we will no longer be condemned.

This is so on judgment day we will be raised in God through His righteousness that we have received in Christ.

Disobedience is life without Jesus Christ and obedience is living the life that Jesus gave to all who believe in Him.


Ps Ambrose


Colossians‬ ‭4:13‬ ‭NKJV‬‬


Luke‬ ‭6:31‬ ‭NKJV‬‬