John 1:11 NKJV
“He came to His own, and His own did not receive Him.”
John 1:11 NKJV
Jesus came to His own and His own did not receive Him but to those who received Him, He gave them the right to become children of God.
When we read this passage, we often think about how Jesus was rejected by His own people, the Jews, and how they refused to believe in Him and the kingdom He wants to establish for the good of His own people.
But we as believers in Christ must also be on guard that we don’t do the same with God’s word towards us.
God’s word is God as mentioned in the first verse. Denying His word means denying God, His authority and His Kingship over us.
Now we are His people and God has begotten us through His Son Jesus Christ but have we begotten Him as our Lord and King? Are we following His word and living according to His government?
These are good questions to ask to direct our life into God’s perspective. It will keep us from drifting into the system of this world.
God came to His own.
God took ownership of us because that is who God is.
Godis our Father and made us in His own culture.
When God’s word becomes our culture, then we don’t live by the law, we live in His love. It becomes part of our lives.
The word of God is God's culture. Jesus was the word which is the culture of Heaven and was made flesh in Jesus, who is the Culture of the kingdom.
Today we need to examine our lives, do we receive Him daily by living out His culture here on earth?
We receive Him if we live in Him, move in Him and have our being in Him.
Ps Ambrose