Matthew 10:1 NKJV
“And when He had called His twelve disciples to Him, He gave them power over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease.” Matthew 10:1 NKJV
In chapter nine, it is clearly seen that Jesus performed many miracles, casting out the evil spirits, cleansing the lepers, and so on. Then Jesus called the twelve disciples and gave them the power to do the same. Jesus is the revelation for all mankind to know what we are all called to do. Let us behold Jesus as who He is. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. Therefore, Jesus is for us today as what we have read and heard in the scriptures. As a believer, we are all called to reach out to one another by His power. The power of God has no limitations. The only way we can limit God’s power is when we don’t believe that we have it or can do it. If we can be grieved by negative reports by believing that it is not eternal, how much more should we believe in the eternal report of Jesus’s word, promises and the Holy Spirit? The power and capacity to heal in the name of Jesus are in all of us. The purpose of the miracles is to demonstrate that Jesus is Lord. The disciples went out and did what Jesus told them to do They all saw what Jesus did before they went out to do it. We have to see in the spirit and believe that because Jesus has commanded us as He commanded the disciples. Therefore, we all can do all that Jesus has commanded. The only one that can stop doing what Jesus did is ourselves. If we let fear come in, doubt will start to set a new culture in us that is contrary to the culture of the kingdom of God. We need to set our eyes on Jesus and cultivate all that Jesus has put inside of us. Seeing, being and doing what Jesus reveals to us every day. Let us all take courage and build our faith in Christ Jesus to do as He has commanded us to do. Do not let any of our circumstances be an excuse but just see, be and do all that Jesus Christ is today. Blessings