Mark 1:2 NKJV
“As it is written in the Prophets: “Behold, I send My messenger before Your face, Who will prepare Your way before You.”” Mark 1:2 NKJV John the Baptist was the one who prepared the first coming of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. He was not living the life like everyone else and it is not that John deliberately wanted it but his heart wanted to do what God has called and that had led him to live that life. Jesus is coming back soon and it’s the whole body of Christ that is called to participate in making the way for our Saviour's return. We are all called to be the 'sent out' ones. By prayer, by reaching out, by preaching, teaching, mentoring and maximising every gift and calling to fulfil all that God has purposed for our life. We don’t choose to deliberately live a life different from everyone else. When the time comes those things will take care of it themselves. All we need to do is to keep on loving and keep on doing all that God has called us to do. There are many things that God has revealed for us to do. We don’t need a special revelation knowledge about those as some are still waiting for one. Everything God has spoken to us we must keep on doing. If there is silence on direction from God it means to keep on doing the last thing He has spoken to us. When the time comes we will hear Him directing us on the next journey. The journey God is taking us will eventually be for the purpose of His children as a body. God builds the individual for the purpose to reach out to all. That’s the nature of our Father. He reached out to all so also we will be reaching out to one another. We are all called in these last days to prepare ourselves and others for the second coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Blessings