Matthew 26:39 NKJV
“He went a little farther and fell on His face, and prayed, saying, “O My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will. ”
Matthew 26:39 NKJV
Jesus, as man, faced His mountain, not with His own will but His Father’s. A powerful reminder of the choice every one of us has.
Jesus made His choice by choosing to do the will of the Father overriding His own feeling of the pain and the persecution that will come His way.
The word nevertheless is a statement that shows that Jesus knew all that is about to happen. He knows the sufferings that He will be facing yet He would choose His Father’s will over His own.
We may have to face a situation in life or may even be facing them right now for some time. Nevertheless, we must continue to choose to remain in our Father’s will.
Alter all, this world is a temporary home, therefore, we don’t sign ourselves up for things that matter for this world but live as we are sealed, signed and delivered to live for eternity with the Almighty God.
Jesus said nevertheless and that one word has changed the destiny of mankind forever.
We all will face situations in life and we all will have the opportunities to say the same “nevertheless “ so that we too can change the destiny of our own lives and others through Christ.
The will of man and the will of God is there for us to choose. If we have allowed ourselves to be conformed to this world, then we will choose the world.
But if we have allowed ourselves to be conformed to the word of God, then we will choose the will of God. Both of these choices are made dependant on what has conformed in our lives. Therefore it’s important to know what we have allowed into ourselves. Everything matters because it shapes the choices we make.
Let us give ourselves to be conformed to the word of God so that we will choose the will of our Father in heaven.