II Kings 6:16 NKJV
“So he answered, “Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.””
II Kings 6:16 NKJV
King of Syria realised that it was Elisha who revealed his strategies, exposed all of his plans and that Elisha knew his whispers in his own bedroom.
King Syria, in retaliation, sent his army by night. They surrounded the city with his chariots and waited till morning.
When Elisha's servant rose up early in the morning, he saw the army and chariots that had surrounded Elisha.
But Elisha said, “Do not be afraid”.
Elisha said something that was totally opposite to the reality that had come upon him.
This is because Elisha saw with his spiritual eyes and said that there is more with us than those who are against us.
When God sent his army to us, to back us up when we are doing His work, it will always be more than our enemy.
This is not to say that God needed more army to defeat the enemy but it is to give us an assurance that God’s protection is so much bigger than what the enemy can try to intimidate us.
If one man who is anointed of God can slay the entire army with the jawbone of a donkey, how much more stronger we are when surrounded by God’s own army?
Don’t believe what we can see in the natural but believe the unseen that is the supernatural.
Believe that God is above all the armies that satan will try to portray.
Behold His promises above all the waves, above the mountains and above every trouble.
Let us open up our spiritual eyes and begin to see that all God has promised and it shall come to pass as we remain in God.
Ps Ambrose