Genesis 49:22 NKJV
““Joseph is a fruitful bough, A fruitful bough by a well; His branches run over the wall.”
Genesis 49:22 NKJV
Joseph became a fruitful branch of a tree that is full of fruits. And his branch were over the wall that the people outside of the wall were able to partake of the fruits from Joseph's branch.
They called him a dreamer, a proud and arrogant person to say that people will bow towards him.
He was not saying it out of pride and selfish ambition but simply the destiny God has put in his life.
That dreamer made the country so rich in abundance, it not only sustained his country during the famine but other countries came to partake of the blessings in his country.
It is not arrogance to think that we would be a blessing to others and it is not pride that we walk in God’s richness so that all will be blessed by it.
Today, we as believers have received grace upon grace with God’s abundance.
Whether we become fruitful or barren depends on what we do with what we have received from the Lord.
The truth is we got it all in Christ and there is nothing that we need that we did not receive.
Now it’s up to us to trust God and what He has given and become the fruitful branch of the Lord.
We are to produce fruits that is of the Lord all the days of our lives.
Keep the vision bright in our hearts and minds so that we will be constant in producing the fruits of His kingdom.
Ps Ambrose