Isaiah 40:29 NKJV
“He gives power to the weak, And to those who have no might He increases strength.”
Isaiah 40:29 NKJV
Isaiah asked questions to the people of Israel. They were acting and behaving as if God was not able to do anything.
When the vision of our God becomes dim, everything else will start to fail.
Isaiah is enlightening their minds by saying that God gives power and strength to His people.
Our God is a living God.
He is not a statue or an ornament. He is the living God who gave life to everything.
We have a greater covenant today with better promises but how many of us truly know what we have received?
When we beg God for something that He has given to His children, we not only miss out on what He has given but display a very wrong image of our God.
Many of the prayers in the church today do not reflect His finished work.
Many still pray for God to do, to heal and to bring revival.
The truth is God has empowered us with all of those powers to establish His kingdom here on earth as it is in heaven.
He has empowered us to heal, deliver and set people free.
That is revival; true revival is when we, as His children, start to believe everything Christ has done and display it through our lives.
Let us keep transforming our mindsets and our hearts to constantly align ourselves with the finished work of Christ.
Ps Ambrose