Psalms 22:22 NKJV
I will declare Your name to My brethren; In the midst of the assembly I will praise You.
Psalms 22:22 NKJV
Psalm 22 is a prophetic insight of the sufferings of Christ. Jesus spoke the same at His last on the cross.
The psalmist had a revelation insight of what Jesus would go through for His children.
First part of the Psalm speaks of the rejections and sufferings of Christ. The second part speaks of the glory and praise that comes out of all who would be blessed by Christ.
This also speaks to us about every trial and tribulations we go through God has always prepared greater blessing for us who believe.
It is important that we don't lose the state and condition of our identity which we have recieved in Christ.
All that Jesus has paid for us and the sufferings He went through for us must not slip away from our hearts by the storms of life.
Instead, we must dig deeper into all that Christ has done and rehearse so that we will not be shaken.
Praising and worshiping God is one of the keys to keep remaining in a God concious state.
Keep looking at what He has done will help us to see what He is going to do. Speaking of miracles will also cause us to see more miracles in our lives.
If our attention is fixed on Christ, then all resources of heaven will have their attention on us.
Just like a plane on the ground, we can feel the weight of the plane but when the plane is in the air, we don't feel any weight.
It is the same in the spirit. It may need a lot of thrust and attention to take off in the spirit from the flesh but when we in the spirit, it is as easy as walking in the natural.
Let's keep living in the supernatural power and love that Jesus has purchased for us.
Ambrose Francis