Acts 3:12 NKJV
So when Peter saw it, he responded to the people: “Men of Israel, why do you marvel at this? Or why look so intently at us, as though by our own power or godliness we had made this man walk?
Acts 3:12 NKJV
Peter healed the lame man in the Name of Jesus at the gate called Beautiful. Peter was doing what Jesus has commissioned all believers to do that is to preach the gospel, heal the sick, baptised the believers and cast out devils.
Whenever there is a miracle taking place, it is an opportunity to preach the gospel of Christ.
Peter saw the people ran to him with a wrong idea of who healed this lame man. This gives Peter the door to share Christ with all who came to him.
God's heartbeat is that none should be lost. God wants to save and restore mankind back to their original image that is like Him - free from
sin-conscious to
Peter was also very careful not to take the credit for the healing and point them all to Jesus as the Healer.
Everything we do for the kingdom of God comes out of God's power and grace. Therefore, all glory and honour must be given to Christ Jesus our Lord.
We must be careful not to claim anything of our doings when it is God's. We must be careful not to be puffed up by every achievement, miracles, signs and wonders.
We must be quick to give God all the glory and honour.
We must not allow our mind or heart to take credit for all that God has done and accomplished for us and through us.
Opportunity opens up when miracles take place. If we are praying for an opportunity, we should be doing what Jesus has told us to do.
Look for those who require healing, deliverance, peace and pray for them. By faith, expect them to be healed so we can share the good news.
Let us continue to do what is in our Father's heart by bringing peace, joy, healing and salvation to all mankind.
Ambrose Francis