Psalms 5:12 NKJV
For You, O Lord , will bless the righteous; With favor You will surround him as with a shield.
Psalms 5:12 NKJV
David praised the Lord for he knew if he is standing right before God, he will surely be blessed.
David did that by believing in God and in His goodness and not in the things David did.
David had experienced in his life that the only way to be blessed is to deny self and behold God. He did that when he was confronted with his sins with Bathsheba. David did not look at what he had done but ran to God and began to praise God and His mercy.
That is true repentance. A complete turn from sin and turn towards God.
Today we all have a better covenant that has made us all right with God through Jesus Christ. Through believing in Jesus, we become the righteousness of God.
This is by faith in Christ Jesus and not in our works. Therefore, we are all blessed in Christ.
If we can choose to believe God then we can enjoy the blessings God had prepared for His children.
God has shielded us all with His favour. We will be favoured before our enemy. It may look like a defeat in the natural, like how it was when Jesus died on the cross but it was the very cross that defeated satan and all of his plans.
To be thrown into the fire that flamed, the Hebrew children is the very reason the king and nation turned to the Lord Almighty.
Daniel in the lion's den spoke out the same testimony. Are we willing to risk it all by trusting God and His promises?
If we would take that risk, willing to lose our life by trusting God, we will surely find it.
Let us be bold and take hold of His promises. For we have been shielded with God's favour.
Ambrose Francis