Titus 3:6 NKJV


whom He poured out on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Savior,

Titus 3:6 NKJV

The abundance that we all have recieved is through Christ Jesus our Lord. God wants to surprise us with His abundance everyday.

His mercy is new every morning, just when we thought we have tasted his amazing mercy, goodness and love, we find ourselves touched again by His love, grace and mercy.

This river of God never runs dry and never stops. Those who draw near to Him can taste His goodness that flows through His abundance.

But if we don't come to Him, we can't taste His goodness. We thank God that He made a way to come to us when we believed in Him.

Now it's our turn to come to Him. Bringing our hearts and minds to Him. The more of us in Him the more we would be blessed by His abundance.

We come to Him by faith and live in Him by faith. If we find that our life is not a beautiful garden then we need to stay in Christ and make our home in Him so that our lives become a beautiful garden full of flowers, trees and fruits.

If we spend more time abiding in Christ, we will produce more fruits in our lives. We are created to bear fruit in every season.

Because we live in the abundance of God in every season. Faith in that promises of God is the key to get us there.

This is not an instant noodle that we get in 2 minutes but it's a garden that needs weeds of negative thoughts and words to be pulled out. Changing the soil of our heart is important so that our heart will be soft by taking in the Word of God. It may take time but eventually we will see the fruits in our lives.

Let's us work out the abundance that God poured into our lives and be a blessing to one another.


Ambrose Francis


Acts 2:7 NKJV


Isaiah 57:12 NKJV