Romans 5:17 NKJV
For if by the one man’s offense death reigned through the one, much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ.
Romans 5:17 NKJV
One man's offence caused the entire human race to suffer condemnation. How much more liberated, empowered and restored are we today through the One and true God, Jesus Christ.
We have not received just enough but through Christ, we have received an abundance of grace and above all a gift to be righteous.
Through offence, we are totally condemned but through grace, we are totally righteous by faith in Christ.
We are partakers of divine nature only through Christ, our Lord and there is no other way or method about it.
We are destined to rule and reign with Christ forever. If we choose to believe in Christ, we have chosen to reign with Him.
Every time we are pressed by the enemy we should lift our eyes, mind and heart towards Christ and know we have received abundance to overthrow the enemy at any time.
This abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness is given to us and not earned by our good behaviours or our righteous lifestyle.
This is given to us as a gift, therefore, don't let the enemy fool us by the lies that we are not qualified or worthy to receive these gifts.
This abundance of grace and gifts of righteousness was given to us because we were unable to obtain it by our own works.
Therefore, we must not let the enemy take that away by causing us to doubt God's work or His gifts toward us who believed in Him.
Our place to reign in Christ is by faith in all that He has accomplished for us by His death and resurrection.
Let us take hold of all the abundance and the gifts God has bestowed on us.
Let us reign in Christ Jesus our Lord from now to eternity.
Ambrose Francis