Philippians 1:18 NKJV
What then? Only that in every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is preached; and in this I rejoice, yes, and will rejoice.
Philippians 1:18 NKJV
Paul is rejoicing over every individual that preaches the Gospel of Christ. Some do it for personal gain and some for the kingdom of God.
Some were repeating what Paul had preached as a mockery but to Paul, it is free publicity for the Gospel of Christ.
Paul is not talking about teaching the word but presenting the message of salvation to all believers. It is about the good news.
This is not a form of approval to teach the word of God in error. All scriptures will hold each other to confirm. The scriptures do not contradict.
When it comes to presenting the gospel to the world around us, boldness is what is needed. We must not be stopped by our spiritual condition in order to preach the good news.
The good news needs to be shared in every season, every time and every day because it is the only way for people to be saved.
We don't know the time of our last breath here on earth and the people around us. Every opportunity we get, we need to be bold to speak about the Saviour and His love for mankind.
When we commit to share Jesus and pray for open doors, God would lead us to them. If the message is ready to be spoken, the people will hear the message of salvation.
If we hear or see someone sharing the gospel of Christ, let us encourage and take courage from them to do the same.
Let us not speak about the imperfection in them who preaches the gospel when we carry our own imperfections.
Let us be bold to share Christ with all that we come across in our path.
Ambrose Francis