Romans 9:7 NKJV


nor are they all children because they are the seed of Abraham; but, β€œIn Isaac your seed shall be called.”

Romans 9:7 NKJV

The battle that started in Genesis 3:15 is between two seeds, God's seed and satan's seed. One is of God and the other is of the flesh.

Abraham bore two sons.

One is from the seed of the flesh and one from the seed of promise.

Jesus, the Saviour of the world is born from the line of the promised seed, Isaac. It is by having faith when their body was not able to produce that Abraham and Sarah had Isaac in God's word.

We all have an important part to play for the salvation of generations to come. The battle between the seed of the flesh and the seed of faith is going to create descendants.

We all will be creating or will be affecting the next generation with our lives. We can stand by our works or we can stand by our faith in Christ.

Our generation depends on how we all as a body of Christ stand in faith, proclaiming the gospel of Christ, speaking and teaching the kingdom of God to our generation.

Every person has the opportunity to be transformed from the seed of the flesh to the seed of God. It is by faith in Jesus Christ and living actively in the redemptive work of Christ.

The only works believers are to stand in is the works that Jesus has established as our foundation.

Build our lives by faith in all that Jesus has done.

Build ourselves in Christ daily by speaking, meditating and stirring each other in the Holy Spirit.

We all have a destiny to follow, a call to fulfill in the kingdom of God. If we are God-conscious, we will see God's purposes clearer.

Let us all join our hearts by faith in Christ to keep preaching, teaching, sharing, using every form of art, music and song to proclaim the gospel of Christ.


Ambrose Francis


Genesis 22:13 NKJV


Genesis 4:7 NKJV