‭‭II Kings‬ ‭4‬:‭26‬ ‭NKJV‬‬


“Please run now to meet her, and say to her, ‘Is it well with you? Is it well with your husband? Is it well with the child?’ ” And she answered, “It is well.””

‭‭II Kings‬ ‭4‬:‭26‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

The Shunammite woman laid her dead son in the upper room of her house and prepared to go and see the man of God.

She was heading to Elisha to get him to raise her child from the dead. Gehazi came running to find out from the man of God if everything was well.

Here is a woman who lost her only son. He just died in her lap yet she said it is well with me.

She also said that her husband is also well. Now when it came to her son, she did not waver but still said it was well with her son even though he was lying dead in the upper room.

She was speaking faith to herself. She could have wept, cried, and mourned for her loss but she did not do that but believed.

She believed the impossible in the midst of a devastating situation. She proclaimed it is well.

Today we don’t have to run to find the man of God.

We don’t have to go to a place to receive our miracle.

Today, we who are in Christ have the same power that raised Jesus from the dead. We have Jesus living inside of us.

We need to learn to hold our tongue to speak the miracle and not the problem.

We need to bring forth those things that are not to be so in Jesus Name.

Is it well with us?

Is it well with our family? Faith will say yes it is well because faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.

We call forth and speak into being the promises of God. We erase the ugly pictures of satan by painting the promises of God.

No matter how things look like, we need to stand in God’s word and speak it into our situation.

Don’t let the words of our mouth speak of the bad things but change the situation by speaking God’s promises.

Let us declare every day in every situation that it is well at my workplace.

It is well with my business and studies.

It is well with my life and my family.


Ps Ambrose


Mark‬ ‭5‬:‭39‬ ‭NKJV


Acts‬ ‭3‬:‭5‬ ‭NKJV‬‬