Matthew 21:22 NKJV
“And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.””
Matthew 21:22 NKJV
To believe is to be convinced, absolutely sure, and confident that whatever we believe will come to pass.
Therefore, time delay should not affect our belief, not seeing the result should not affect our belief, and no matter how impossible it may look like in the natural, it will not change our stand.
This is how we ought to believe the promises of God. Faith is the substance that we have believed.
If we have believed what God has said to us, then that becomes our substance. That is the substance of our faith.
We may have heard that faith is the currency of heaven because faith is the exchange that reverses the curse into blessings.
It brings in the divine power of God to earth. Changing earth with the kingdom of God.
The way we change this earth to what was planned is by faith, doing the impossible and speaking the supernatural into this natural world.
Everything about God is supernatural because God is Spirit as Jesus said in John 4:24. Therefore, we need to believe in the supernatural power and promises of God.
All that is of God has been prepared and set so that when we believe, it will flow. The manifestation of God takes place when we believe.
Let us be thankful for the things we have received from our Lord Jesus and begin to live in the supernatural power of God.
Ps Ambrose