II Peter 1:11 NKJV
“for so an entrance will be supplied to you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.”
II Peter 1:11 NKJV
Peter spoke of the need to work through the power that is within us by standing strong in the faith.
Adding to our faith virtue, knowledge, self-control, perseverance and all that is of God diligently.
Our reward and the blessed life that we have in Christ Jesus is beyond comprehension.
If we give ourselves to developing all that is within us, we will become very productive, fruitful, and a blessing.
This production translates to souls into the kingdom, preaching the gospel, equipping the saints, setting the oppressed free, healing the sick, and casting out the evil spirits.
Our productivity matters concerning the kingdom of God. The blessings of the Lord come through us. Therefore, when the kingdom expands, we as His vessels are also blessed tremendously.
Jesus talked about the talent that He gave according to their abilities.
What Christ has deposited in each one of us needs to be cultivated to produce the fruit.
God gave this world for His children to rule and reign with His power, to bring His kingdom here on earth.
God did not send us empty-handed but filled us with everything that we would need to accomplish the task.
Therefore, it is us as His body that needs to rise up and take our place.
So that when we walk into the entrance of everlasting life, our hands will not be empty but overflowing with fruits for our glorious Lord.
Let us work in the divine power that God has given to us and bring glory to His Name.
Ps Ambrose