Psalms 27:2 NKJV
“When the wicked came against me to eat up my flesh, My enemies and foes, They stumbled and fell.”
Psalms 27:2 NKJV
We as the children of the living God need to know our rights, our power, and our domain.
For the enemy will continue to try to intimidate, manipulate and challenge God’s promises over our lives.
We need to stand like the Psalmist and say that no matter how big our enemy may look like, no matter how strong our enemy may portray themselves, and no matter how much influence the enemy may seem to have, THEY WILL STUMBLE AND FALL.
The one that needs to worry is not the children of God. The one that needs to be concerned is not the children of God because we have a covenant that no power can penetrate.
Yes, wickedness is everywhere while the wicked one is seeking to devour but we who trust in the Lord shall not fear but be at peace in God.
This covenant that we have in Christ is sealed in His blood. The blood that has no sin and death itself has no power over it.
We are to magnify what we have in Christ. We are to magnify who we are in Christ and we are to believe everything as an heir of God’s kingdom.
We must not get entangled by the enemy.
We must not have conversations with unbelief but cast away everything that is of the enemy.
Don’t let our emotions and the carnal self steal away our divine nature and our divine rights as a child of God.
Let us stand in the truth of what God has made us to be and silence every other voice that tries to come against God’s complete work in us.
We have been appointed by God to bring down everything that is against His truth.
All we need to do is to stand in Christ, speak, and live as Christ lived here on earth.
Ps Ambrose