Matthew 25:15 NKJV
“And to one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one, to each according to his own ability; and immediately he went on a journey.”
Matthew 25:15 NKJV
Jesus taught about the kingdom of God. There are many aspects of the kingdom of God and in this passage, Jesus was particularly talking about stewardship in His kingdom.
He said it is like a master who gave talents.
It speaks of a gift that the master gave to each one.
One received five, another received two, and the other just one. It was given according to their ability.
It is not about the numbers but it is about the maturity to handle the blessings that the Lord has given.
Everything that we have received from God, God expects us to be good stewards of it.
Remember all who received the talents were slaves. What the master is doing is giving these slaves opportunities to become stewards.
There were two who graduated from slavery to being good stewards.
A slave will wait for the master to tell him what to do.
A slave needed to be told what to do but a steward produces the result the master wants without being told.
From slavery to stewardship.
From slavery mentality to stewardship mentality.
From slavery language to stewardship language.
The person who received one talent spoke like how a slave would speak, thought like how a slave would think and do things like how a slave would do.
The one who received the one talent did not take the opportunity to graduate from slavery to stewardship.
God wants us to be like the one who received five talents and two talents. The master never told them what to do but they produced and graduated from slavery to stewardship.
Are we waiting for God to tell us to do something or are we stewarding His gifts without being told?
All of us have been given the same opportunity to become stewards in His kingdom.
It is up to us to take that opportunity and grow the things God has put into our lives.
Let us be good stewards of God in His kingdom and bring Him daily the multiplication of gifts as a worship unto Him.
Ps Ambrose