Acts 8:18 NKJV
“And when Simon saw that through the laying on of the apostles’ hands the Holy Spirit was given, he offered them money,”
Acts 8:18 NKJV
Simon the sorcerer knew about supernatural powers. This is because he himself is involved with unclean spirits that bound and cause infliction.
But when he saw that the disciples of Jesus healed people by just laying their hands, he marveled.
He wanted it so badly and was even willing to pay for it to have this power.
He did not realize that there is nothing man can do to obtain this power.
No wealth, influence, or sacrifice can earn this power.
He did not know that it is a natural outcome for every believer that confessed Jesus is Lord and who is baptised in the Holy Spirit.
He wanted a shortcut and wanted to use his own way and his own knowledge to gain it.
Nothing that he does or the way he wants will work for him to have that power but only by total surrender to Jesus, by following His ways, and to do His purpose.
Some of us as believers are still trying to gain the free gift of God and His power by fasting and praying, by living a sacrificial life and by obeying God and His word in order to get His power in our lives.
All those things are important and part of our spiritual journey but it is not to get the power, instead it is to learn to walk in them.
This is so important for us to understand and know that His power and His kingdom are already within us.
Therefore, we pray, fast, and discipline ourselves to walk, and live to channel the power of God that is already within us.
It is a gift from God for His church to live in His power and glory so that no man can boast about how long they have prayed or fasted to gain this power.
It is so we give God all the glory as He has empowered us to live a victorious life in Jesus Christ.
We may think or even laugh about how can Simon have the intention to buy God’s power but many believers are still doing it by buying their forgiveness, their healing, and their salvation through works instead of living by faith in Jesus Christ.
Let us thank God for giving us all His power to do His work in this world.
Ps Ambrose