I Corinthians 12:1 NKJV
“Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I do not want you to be ignorant:”
I Corinthians 12:1 NKJV
Paul is speaking to the Corinthians not to be ignorant concerning spiritual gifts. If there is one area the enemy wants to steal from us is the gift that empowers us to live the life of Christ.
Jesus sent us the Holy Spirit to empower us to live life as children of the living God.
He empowers us with a language that has direct communication with the Father that the enemy does not understand.
He empowers us with the word of wisdom, word of knowledge, faith, healing, the working of miracles, the discerning of spirits, and prophecy, and it is the same Holy Spirit who works all these things as He wills.
For us not to learn or not to engage ourselves in the Holy Spirit is blocking the Holy Spirit from manifesting His power in us.
If we give ourselves to learning and giving ourselves to the leading of the Holy Spirit, then He can manifest His power in and through our lives.
We are not to debate about the word of God but to believe it, live it, and let the Holy Spirit bring enlightenment to our lives.
If we don’t engage ourselves in the Holy Spirit and in His gifts, we will be ignorant of the power that is within us.
It is like having the most powerful weapon that can bring down the most powerful enemy yet being defeated by a small enemy which is a lack of knowledge of what God has deposited in us.
God has blessed us with every spiritual gift and made us partakers of His Divine nature.
God wants His children to live in the fullness of His power and might. He wants us His children to reflect Him and His kingdom here on earth.
For that to happen, He sent us His Spirit to dwell in us and to lead us through His glory and power.
Let us give ourselves to the leading of the Holy Spirit and let Him lead us into triumph in Christ Jesus.
Ps Ambrose