Matthew 7:20 NKJV
“Therefore by their fruits you will know them.”
Matthew 7:20 NKJV
Jesus taught us that we will know who we are by the kind of fruits that we produce. This is important for us to see and know what is really inside of us.
Sometimes we have been indoctrinated with something that has been passed down from generation that does not produce any fruits or occasionally produces one or two fruits in a year, or even sometimes produces bad fruits.
If we cannot see or discern what comes out of our mouths, what goes on in our minds, and things that we have perceived, then we will not be able to make the changes.
Many do not produce much yet will not learn and give an ear to those who are walking in it.
Jesus taught us that we will know them by their fruits. The world is watching.
Family and friends are watching and they all can see the kind of fruits we are bearing every day.
It is time to put down our religious activities and start living in Jesus and produce fruits that will reflect His glory, power, and love.
Don’t waste time griping, complaining, murmuring, making excuses, and indulging in self-pity. But wake up and rise up in the power and glory of God every day.
God has made us in His image and in His likeness. We have Him in us.
We have His power and strength.
We live in God, move in God, and have our being in God. Therefore, we live as how God has made us. A new creation, full of God and His power.
Let us start bearing fruits that are of God and not of man.
Ps Ambrose