Galatians 5:17 NKJV
“For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish.”
Galatians 5:17 NKJV
Our unrenewed flesh always goes against the spirit. The flesh always wants to do things that are satisfying to the flesh. But the Spirit always desires the things of God.
We are not in charge of our lives, it’s either we are led by the Spirit or the influence of the flesh.
People get sick, get into drugs, alcohol and involved in a sinful action because they are led by the flesh.
They do things they don’t want to do but the flesh drives them to do it.
The flesh will desire to keep feeding on whatever that will strengthen its stronghold.
But the Spirit always leads us to know and reveal God’s righteousness. So that every part of our soul and body will be transformed and renewed by the Holy Spirit.
We are to keep looking in the Spirit, understand what God is revealing to us spiritually.
We can’t understand God fully if we keep look at Him with natural eyes. The disciples could not recognise Jesus after His resurrection.
Every time Jesus appeared to His disciples, they did not recognise Him until they heard His word.
His word is Spirit and life, His word quickens our spirit and brings vision, clarity and His life.
Let us walk in the spirit and discern God’s word spiritually by the power of His Spirit.
Ps Ambrose