John 6:20 NKJV
“But He said to them, “It is I; do not be afraid.”
John 6:20 NKJV
When Jesus walked on the water towards His disciples, they were terrified with fear. They knew that what they saw is not normal and is supernatural.
Sometimes opportunities, news of something, provisions and favour from God may terrify us.
Sometimes we let fear get into our hearts when we see the impossible things before our eyes.
Jesus, who is the answer to the disciples' troubles in the situation of beating winds and storms, has caused fear instead of joy.
God is speaking to us that as long as we stay in Christ, no storms in life, no valleys of life and no mountains in life can take us down.
Don’t let the supernatural frighten us, God’s power is supernatural and He wants His children to expect the supernatural to happen.
"Be not afraid” Jesus said. Don’t let fear abort the mission.
Don’t let fear weaken our hearts.
Don’t let fear feed our thoughts.
But let faith arise with anticipation to finish the race because we have been called by God to finish the race and He has set us up for victory.
God promised His children His abundance, with His authority and power to accomplish the task He has set for us.
Let us rise in faith and believe God that we will see the supernatural power of God.
Ps Ambrose