Matthew 25:14 NKJV
“For the kingdom of heaven is like a man traveling to a far country, who called his own servants and delivered his goods to them.”
Matthew 25:14 NKJV
Change is needed when talents are provided. When God gives gifts, changes need to take place in our lives to activate actions that will nurture, use and develop those talents.
God’s kingdom is a productive kingdom.
God’s kingdom is an advancing kingdom and God’s kingdom is a kingdom that grows from glory to glory.
Therefore, when we receive something from the Lord or when we have been ignited by the promises of God, change becomes a necessary step to becoming fruitful.
No one takes the new gifts yet live the same life expecting a different result.
Give a man who refuses to change the best product or give a man who refuses to change the worst product, it makes no difference.
The problem is not the product but the attitude of the one who refuses to change to facilitate the gift.
We cannot live life the same way and expect different results. Changes in life bring changes to our productivity.
It is important that we all continue to change our lives to fit with the promises of God for our lives.
Many believe but change the promises of God to fit their beliefs and wants. We must be willing to be changed and to follow what the promises of God say.
God has delivered His kingdom to us through His Son Jesus. We all have received the kingdom of God.
Are we following the kingdom of God or are we remoulding God’s kingdom to fit our lives?
If we follow God and the principles of His kingdom, then we will experience Kingdom blessings and power.
Let us welcome change and bring ourselves to be led by God’s Holy Spirit and His precious promises.
Ps Ambrose