Acts 2:6 NKJV


And when this sound occurred, the multitude came together, and were confused, because everyone heard them speak in his own language.

Acts 2:6 NKJV

Spiritual power does not make sense in the natural but will deliver supernatural harvest or breakthroughs.

The church that Jesus is building is a supernatural church. It is a church that focuses on the supernatural power of God and does not dilute it to make sense to the world.

The people were confused. The power of God fell upon the people and there was such a mighty harvest of souls for the kingdom of God.

Often we want to do away with the supernatural because the world does not understand and they will feel awkward. That is exactly what satan wants us to do.

But we should give more attention to the supernatural power of God. The kingdom of God is not just words but with a demonstration of the power of God.

We need to keep ourselves stirred up with the gifts of the Holy Spirit at all times. We need to be alert in the things of the Spirit far more than the natural things.

*The world is not looking for another religion but answers to their need and satisfaction for their souls which can be found in Christ Jesus our Lord.*

Let us press in to develop the spiritual gifts and flow in the power of the Holy Spirit.


Ambrose Francis


Colossians 3:11 NKJV


I Corinthians 9:25 NKJV