Galatians 2:19 NKJV


For I through the law died to the law that I might live to God.

Galatians 2:19 NKJV

Paul who was a keeper of the law justifies that the law is the proof that man need God. For no man can keep the law and not break one of them.

So Paul is saying that through the law death was sentenced to him but through Christ life was given to him.

We are not supposed to find death or speak about the law when we are already delivered by Jesus.

The very thing that justified death to all mankind is the law. And the very thing that justifies life to us is Jesus Christ.

There is no condemnation for us in Christ because we already have been justified by the death and resurrection of Christ.

To boast about keeping the law is to boast about death and sin. But to boast about the grace and love of God is life forevermore.

Eternal life is not attained by keeping the law but by consistently living in Jesus.

If one boasts about how we can keep up with the ceremony, it means we are keeping up with death. If one is boasting about living in the grace of God, it means we are keeping up with life that Christ has provided.

Grace is the power to overcome sin. For the one who is under the grace of God overcomes every temptation and lives a victorious life.

The life we are called to live is not unto death through the law, we are called to live our life unto Christ who is the author of Life.

Let us continue to fix our eyes on Jesus and live in the abundance He has prepared for us all.


Ambrose Francis


Psalms 18:2 NKJV


Acts 2:3 NKJV