John 3:9 NKJV
“Nicodemus answered and said to Him, “How can these things be?”
John 3:9 NKJV
Nicodemus told Jesus that no one can do the things that Jesus did unless God is with Him.
Jesus told Nicodemus about one must be born again, Jesus explained to Nicodemus what it means but Nicodemus could not understand though He knew that God is at work through Jesus.
Therefore, Nicodemus believed but did not commit to follow Jesus fully. He was there defending Jesus at the Sanhedrin and was helping Joseph of Arimathea at Jesus’s burial.
Nicodemus only knew from the surface, he did not have the revelation of who Jesus is because he kept looking at Jesus in the natural form.
Jesus said unless we are born again, we cannot see the kingdom of God.
Believers today believe that Jesus is Lord but still see Jesus as a limited human being, not seeing Jesus as a spirit being.
Everything that Jesus said is spirit, if we don’t see it through the Holy Spirit or through our spiritual eyes, we will naturalise everything and bring it back down to an earthly level.
Therefore, our understanding of who Jesus is will be limited to the earthly dimension. Whatever Jesus says, we do it as a ritual without understanding the spirit-filled life application to it.
That causes us to keep doing the same thing and don’t see any changes to our lives or things around us.
Nicodemus saw Jesus had supernatural power and He is speaking to the unseen and bringing fruits to the seen world.
There are many believers in the church today doing the seen things and expecting the unseen results.
We need to see things in the spirit and begin to see what God is showing us through His word.
It’s important that we see every word that Jesus speaks through the lens of the Holy Spirit and apply it in our daily life.
Ps Ambrose