Ephesians 5:4 NKJV
“neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor coarse jesting, which are not fitting, but rather giving of thanks.”
Ephesians 5:4 NKJV
As believers, our life needs to reflect the finished work of the cross. The deeds of the flesh and all the old things that has passed away should not surface in our life.
As people of God, every word we speak is important and every decision we make reflects what we believe.
Foolish talks, filthy jokes and coarse jesting only will frame our mind with the works of the devil.
These things do not bring any good thing, instead it starts to destroy our good character.
Therefore, it is important to bring out Christ and all that He has deposited in us. We are to speak and practice that new nature we have in Christ.
It is important to walk in thanksgiving, praising God for all the things we have received from God through Christ.
We thank God for the pure heart we have in Christ, thank God for the precious blood that cleansed us of all our past, present and future sins.
We thank God for His divine power and grace that is at work in our life. Perfecting us to shine forth His glory.
Let everything within us speak, move and live the finished work of Jesus and give no room for the enemy to come in.
Ps Ambrose